
Parent Involvement

We are blessed to have parents who share their time and talents with the whole PVI community.
At St. Paul VI Catholic High School, our main focus is to graduate students who are ready and willing to make a difference in their communities. During their four years at PVI, our students learn to lead from a variety of role models--some of the best of those mentors are the Panther Parents who volunteer through our five main parent organizations.

Current parents should log in to myPVI for a lot of useful information to receive answers to the most frequently asked questions by new parents.

Panther Parent Organization (PPO)

The Panther Parent Organization fosters a spirit of community and collaboration among administrators, teachers, parents, and students through service to the school and community by providing volunteer opportunities, social events, and programs. There are many opportunities to volunteer and get involved. Most of these are a small time commitment so please consider volunteering your time. Please join us as we continue to make PVI an excellent school for our students and families!

PPO volunteers help with:
  • coordinating a faculty breakfast and lunch once each year
  • organizing parent events that include speakers and opportunities to meet with other parents
  • presenting our teachers with small tokens of appreciation at Christmas and the end of the year
  • sponsoring mock practice SATs and ACTs
  • used uniform sale
Current parents can find more details about the PPO in the myPVI portal on the PPO resource board.

Music Boosters

The mission of the Music Boosters is to provide organizational and financial support for the PVI music program. Our goal is to assist the faculty so the music program runs smoothly and our students have access to many opportunities to grow as musicians and young adults. The Music Boosters rely on fundraising and sponsorships to make all these activities possible for our students. Whether your child is a member of a performing ensemble or not, we ask that all PVI families show their support for PVI music by becoming a Music Boosters sponsor.

Music Boosters help with:
  • chaperoning performances throughout the school year
  • coordinating the rental of concert attire that all students are required to wear during performances
  • providing concert, performance, and reception support
  • managing fundraising that provides for new equipment and learning opportunities for our music students
  • overseeing communication between the music directors and music families, as well as promoting PVI Music to our community and our future Panthers in the diocesan elementary schools.
Music Boosters meet on the second Thursday of every month. Some of the meetings will be held in person at PVI, and some of the meetings will be held on Zoom. 

Learn more by visiting the Boosters webpage.

Theatre Boosters

There is a tremendous amount of effort (and fun!) that goes into making the PVI Theatre Program the best it can be. The PVI Producers Theatre Boosters help support the PVI cast and crew throughout the year.

Volunteer opportunities include helping with:
  • Refreshments: providing food for set builds, rehearsals, and concessions stand
  • Set Construction: supervising/assisting students build and paint sets
  • Costumes: helping students find, alter or sew costumes
  • Props: helping students find or create props
  • “Lobby” Decorations: helping students decorate the hallway for performances
  • Chaperone: supervising students during after-school rehearsals
  • CAPPIES Dinner: helping coordinate dinner for Cappies Critics
  • Cast Party: helping coordinate food, set-up and clean-up
  • Hospitality: helping to run information tables at school events (e.g., Summer Sizzler, Open House)
  • Publicity/Web Page: taking photos for and/or creating photo galleries and slideshows for Producers webpage
  • Flower Sales – selling flowers and candy grams before performances and during intermissions
  • Ticket Sales – selling tickets before performances
  • Concessions – assisting with set-up and clean-up of concessions area
Learn more by visiting the Producers webpage.

Athletic Boosters

The primary goal of the PVI Athletic Booster Club (ABC) is to raise funds and resources for all sports teams, as well as promote enthusiasm, good sportsmanship, and Catholic values for the school’s athletes and community. The Boosters support EVERY sports team at PVI!

There are many opportunities to support and volunteer with the Club and each sports team.

Volunteer opportunities include attending and helping with  
  • Membership meetings
  • Fundraisers
  • Social events
  • Team assistance
Learn more by visiting the Boosters webpage. #TEAMPVI

Parent Ambassadors

The primary purpose of the Ambassadors is to welcome and connect new and future families to PVI; provide guidance, a sense of community, and support to Panther families; to educate parents about the school and offer opportunities for involvement at PVI, and to provide a pipeline for school-wide initiatives. Parent Ambassadors work in collaboration with the Advancement, Admissions, and Community Engagement teams.

Ambassadors may be asked to:
  • Welcome new families through phone or email
  • Act as guides during Open House, New Student Registration, Summer Sizzler
  • Open their homes to potential and existing families for Head of School Receptions, Coffee Chats, etc.
  • Promote PVI in their communities, parishes and schools
  • Lead new initiatives within the community as needs arrive
Contact: Mary Hamrick '86, Associate Director of Advancement
St. Paul VI Catholic High School is a private Diocesan Catholic preparatory school for girls and boys in grades 9-12 in Chantilly, Virginia, seeking to help our students Grow in Grace and Wisdom. Our school is part of the Diocese of Arlington and offers rigorous academics, an inclusive community focused on spiritual and leadership formation, and a proud athletic tradition featuring nationally renowned programs competing in the Washington Catholic Athletic Conference and the Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association.

St. Paul VI Catholic High School is an accredited member of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.